Laughs, smiles, and never ending moments of pure joy. That was left behind many years ago, that now stays alive only in the premises of these pictures.
The pictures will reach out to you, inviting you with their warming smiles, to tell you about remnants of the stories that have been left in the past. With what is left of the world now, even a measly twenty years ago offered opportunities to simply enjoy that is long gone.
Everything changed, leaving the next generation lost in the absence of freedom to happiness. How can one even find a morsel of joy through the endlessly gloomy days? Or the state of which society, which has witnessed its own corrupt demise?
The fall of liberty.
These pictures contained what was lost; from the shining sun brightening the faces of the individuals who shared their last laughs, - to the strong sense of identity that echoed from the pictures, translating to nothing but envy.
The ability to find this artifact was a gift; that the rest of the world could simply never know of: fear, is what drives this society. The desire for freedom has been banished from fear, - leaving remnants of freedom trapped inside this vintage camera.