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What Best Friend Really Means


 What best friend really means is a romance novel and just a story about how important it is to just find your people.

“I don't like reading” is what I would always say until I picked up instructions for dancing by Nichola Yoon and that's what started my love of romance novels. Then it was the fault in our stars by John Green and Everything Everything  by Nichola Yoon and The Sun is Also a Star (also by Yoon)... the list goes on. Then I started to come up with ideas for books that I wished were something I could read, so I just made my own! This book is about friendship, the ups, and downs of life, young love, and so much more. I hope you enjoy my first posting of my book. (New chapters to come every Oko Magazine posting!)


                                                            My Best Friend

“Honey, you're going to be late for your flight!” my mom yells.

“Coming - just have to SHOVE Mr. Snuffles into my suitcase” I shout back down.

“Why didn't you think to put that in first?”

“Because I don't have your packing skills, mom” I roll my eyes.

I was headed for college with my best friend! We always knew we’d go to the same college together because our interests were similar. We decided on Penn State together, so we could finally fulfil our dream of playing varsity volleyball.

“Where's my bestie?” Kate shouts from outside; “Here” I say in the quirkiest voice I can possibly stomach.

I close my suitcase (barely) and then head downstairs to the door.

“Ready?” Mom asks. I take a deep breath, “yeah, ready.”

I open the door and Kate wraps her arms around me. “ I’ve missed you so much, Emma!”

“ I literally saw you like not even 24 hours ago.”

“I know!” She smiles.

We got into the car to drive to the airport. Once we arrived, my mom was holding back her tears. I opened the boot to get our bags, and I said goodbye to mom.

“Oh, I’m going to be a mess without you, Em!”

“ Uhh offensive” Kate said.

“You too, Kate” mom laughed, and then we had our final group hug.

“Love you mom!”

“Call me when you get there so I know you're okay—” I cut her off. “ I know mom,” I smile and I grab Kate’s hand.

Once we’ve made it past security, we sit down at Starbucks to have a drink.

“What do you think college will be like?” I ask.

“I don't know, but I hope it's not anything like what high school was!” We laugh and finish up our drinks before heading off to our gate.

“Group one proceed to start boarding.” We’re group 2 and line one is pretty long. I look at Kate: ”We might be here for a while".

I see a baby screaming and crying, but like the type of crying where they just don't breathe, you know? Once we FINALLY board, we learn that we’re not in seats together. But that I’m sitting next to an already snoring old lady and the same shrieking baby; I look behind me and give Katie “the look” as if to say HELP.  We arrive about 4 hours later and, just our luck, not on time.

So, I may have a slight obsession with Starbucks and their mugs… so I have to stop for a Pennsylvania mug. “It’ll be your fault if we miss our bus and have to wait another hour for the next one,” Katie says while running frantically to the bus stop. Luckily we got there just in time! Once there, I see a grumpy man who looks like he’s taking attendance for the students. He was just about to enter the bus and close up when I yelled “wait!”  he swirls around and looks annoyed.

“Quick” he snaps.  

“Kate, and Emma” I spit out while panting.

“Well, Kate and Emma, you're late!”

“I-” before I can finish, Kate cuts in, “It was her fault” she points at me and my mug.

“Yeah, she looks like the troublemaker type,” he says while looking me up and down before pointing to seats inside the bus. I roll my eyes and walk towards our seats.

“You have no idea” I hear Kate whisper to him behind me.

We go to find our seats; because we are late, we got the worst, most torn up seats on the bus. No wonder no one was on this side. And now, we head off to college not knowing what kind of adventures we will soon be facing.


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