Various Grade 8 Students (all anonymous)
Mind of Apprehension
Hands shaking
The room is breaking
Thoughts are racing
And tears are escaping.
My breath is hitched
I have no control, like a driver in a car crash
Like a tree-
a tree after a human yells timber!
Why, why, why?
Why me?
I see everyone else is grounded
While I’m in a riot with my mind.
But, what can I do? I’m chained in a fishbowl. Unable to be free- Free from this. I mean, I know the next steps! I can see the door being opened wide But- but this fishbowl will not budge Not a single crack It will not unchain me. ----------------------------------------------
Who am I? Who am I? Where am I gonna go? All these questions yet to be answered All these mysteries yet to be solved. It may be hard to get through Pave your own way for the future, Turn fate into destiny. It’s all about the mentality Your input for the future's output All these things Go through my mind At night. --------------------------------------- Daily Cycle of Stress Day after day, we repeat, same cycle non-stop. Test after Test, we stress and torment our minds More after more agony approach as lessons goes on. Friends after more friends, none of which are actual ones Fun after more fun, nothing in which we wish were designated to us but we know in hard reality it’s never going to happen Questions after questions arise as our footsteps step onto the marbled floors of our comfort of our own houses Guardian after guardian screech in terror as grades downpour our electronics. Argument after argument one storms away in pure exasperation. Hours after hours pass before we doze off and start the cycle once again. Days are different but typically we follow the same rotation daily. -------------------------------- My Ethnicity I am from a place- A place is known for its aromatic sweet and savory dishes A place that glows in various colors and shapes A place made up of buildings and monuments A place with a memorable history. I am also from a place- A place filled with multiple colors A place with radiant and vivid nature A place filled with courage and positivity A place with euphonious and lyrical music. Places all around the world with- Dances, Flowers, Lanterns, Mouthwatering dishes, Nature. All parts of my culture. All parts of me. --------------------------------
Love on the Spectrum
It’s true love hurts
Both physically and mentally,
But we still love each other,
That’s love on the Spectrum:
To me it is only just teasing,
To her it feels like terrorism,
Her mind is exaggerated
That’s love on the Spectrum.
Tears, screaming, and covering ears
What am I thinking? What am I doing wrong?
This is where opinions change,
That’s love on the Spectrum.
-------------------------------- Serotonin
