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Mission M.T.M. Moving to Mars


This story is about changing planets since Earth is not inhabitable anymore. The part of the name M.T.M stands for Moving To Mars

It’s the year 2031 Earth is almost covered in trash and the air is full of pollution. Only Europe survived because all of the European governments invested in defenses to survive but these defenses won't hold the pressure forever. Something had to be done so scientists remembered about the Mars base that had been set up a few years ago. They thought about it but they had no choice anyway. They started sending some specialists to make Mars livable without support from Earth.

And now we are here, escaping our home Planet I told my old friend Bartek. Oh yea also my name is Ignacy I am twenty years old and I am an architect I designed the defenses and I have a lot of friends and one of them is joining me on a trip to Mars. His name is Bartek and he is twenty one years old. We have known each other from kindergarten! I also have a dog. His name is Miki and he is eleven years old and he’s very cute, I love him.

“So what ticket did you buy?” I asked.

“Second class,” he replied.

“I'm second class too, '' I replied. Man we are lucky, only Europe survived these huge waves of pollution and trash I thought. Then after some thinking I got an Idea.

“Bartek, do you have your phone?” I asked.

“Of course I have my phone, '' he responded.

"Ok let’s play Minecraft or Roblox like when we were kids,” I told him.

“That’s a great idea,” Bartek said. We turned on our phones and I opened a world in Minecraft.

Memories came back to me and we had so much fun. Then we played some Cube Defense in Roblox and it brought back memories, too. Also if you don’t know what Minecraft or Roblox, then let me explain. Minecraft is a world of blocky beauty there are people called villagers and you can build, mine, battle monsters, and explore the world also Minecraft is a sandbox video game developed by Mojang. The game was created by Markus "Notch", and Roblox is a global platform where millions of people gather together every day to imagine, create, and share experiences with each other in immersive, user-generated 3D worlds. Ok now you know what Roblox and Minecraft is, back to the story.

Right after we finished a speaker announced, “Group 1-550 please board ship one.” Oh that’s our ship,” Bartek said. We got on the ship and looked around. The ship was huge there were 185 cabins and three dining areas because it would take too long to get to the dining area and plus every class had it’s own cafeteria which was nice because first class had first class things, second class has second things, and third class has third class things. And then another speaker announced, “Boarding complete.”

“I feel like I'm in a plane,'' Bartek said.

“True, the boarding part seems like a plane,” I responded.

We went to our cabin because we were bored but we were still bored and Bartek came up with an idea. “Let's go see what third class cabins look like. We look for an open cabin because when a cabin is open it means that no one has occupied it yet. We looked around and saw three. The first one had two beds and one lamp, also one night lamp. The other cabin was the same but instead of beds there were bunk beds. The last one was bigger and had three bunk beds, two lamps and two night lamps. All of them had a bathroom set.

“I am soo bored it has been ten minutes since we returned,” Bartek says. We're charging our phones because we would not be allowed to charge them for an hour when we blasted off. We waited one more minute and a speaker announced, “Please fasten your seatbelt and stay seated. We will launch in half a minute.” A moment later the speaker announced, “Launching in 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1, BLAST OFF!!!” The whole place shook. We started to hear rocket motors. Everything is so loud and and my ears hurt and thank God Bartek saw headphones.

He grabbed them and passed a pair to me. We put them on as a relief. It seemed like it had been a year since we started the trip to Mars and then the speaker announces, “You now may unfasten your seat belt.” Then we experienced the feeling of no gravity. Oh and there was also a switch to turn off and on “no gravity mode.”

Day one of the trip.

After we blasted off it was normal. We ate breakfast, watched some movies and played video games. Man, it felt like we were kids again. Anyway, after that we ate lunch and then we went to look for a friend, and then had dinner and slept.

Day two of the trip.

Everything was the same but we made some friends, and after lunch we were heading back to the cabins but on the way we saw the Earth. Something was wrong, Europe was smaller. Hmm, I thought, “Is it just me or is Europe smaller?” I asked Bartek.

“No, it’s just you,” he replied.

Day three of the trip

This time after breakfast we went to our friends' cabins and at lunch we returned to our cabins.

Day four of the trip

Day four was kinda weird actually, because we found a snail. We were really confused because the ship was sprayed with sprays that would kill all pests.

Day five of the trip

Right before breakfast the speaker announced that we would go through a meteor shower, so we ate breakfast quickly and ran back to our cabin. We waited some time and then the ship was going crazy. It went to the left, then to the right, and so on. Bartek got the barf bags ready but we didn’t need them. After a lot, and I mean a lot, of shaking the speaker announced that we successfully survived the meteor shower. The rest of the day was eating and talking to our friends.

Day six of the trip

A huge boom woke us up and the alarm was on. Then the speaker announced, “We have been hit by an asteroid and the ship falling apart.” We quickly put on our space suits and ran to the escape pods where we found one with a few other people. The pod ejected into to the atmosphere of Mars. Thank God there was low gravity. There, we would get abliderated. We crashed but every one was okay and then we realized that we were on Mars. We were so happy Bartek ran all over the place and met with his old friends from school. The same with me, really. It's time to start a new life on a new planet and save Earth...

The End… or is it?


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